
Today while i'm browsing on Yahoo, i saw a few articles that are very attractive to read... Especially woman... Hehe of course, anything that related to us will capture our interests on the spot... So

The topic of the article is:

"Getting the Hollywood look"


It suddenly makes me think of many things... such as:

Julia Roberts? Angelina Jolie? Taylor Swift? Pretty Zinta? Kajol? Maya Karin? Juliana Evans?

and also words like this....




 Tired looking?


Let's see in our self.. imagine, if we are standing in front of the magic mirror and we can see ourselves in transparently from outer part up until the inner part. Like a... scanning machine? Are we Good enough or Beautiful enough? *hahaha just imagine*

My personal toughts,

"Me, personally would say, it is GOOD that we feel happy with our self BUT we seeking and look for opportunities, search for a better live, improve our self, not from the look, but every aspects in our life is a must for us." 

It is same as "Learn will never have the ending..." 

Okay, back to the articles.... 

It says that a GH (Growth Hormone) is an effective ways to keep ourselves in look young, fresh, and healthy. Here are some tips that we can applied to increase our GH naturally and we don't need to spend a huge amount of money to get it. 
"Here are some tips on boosting this important hormone naturally:
1. Sleep Better. Most people don't get early, long, or restful sleep. Here is a blog post on sleep that I wrote. Quality sleep boosts GH. Sleep before midnight, at least 7-8 hours, and feel refreshed when you wake up. If any of these are missing, then GH production will most likely not be optimal.
2. Resistance Training. But of a specific kind. Use "big"exercises, (squats, deadlifts, chinups for example) and sets that last about one minute. The key is to feel an intense burning sensation in your muscles. That is lactic acid. Part of your body's process of clearing lactic acid is to release growth hormone.
3. Laughter. In a series of old studies (1980s) even the anticipation of watching a comedy show increased GH 87%!
4. Reduce refined carbohydrates. Stick to veggies and some fruit. Sugary and starchy foods tend to raise blood sugar which raises the hormone insulin. Insulin and growth hormone are inversely related. More insulin = less growth hormone.
5. Supplements. Three in particular are well researched to give good GH boosting results. Creatine, L-Arginine, and Glutamine. Supplements are very individual, and results may vary."

SO let's us apply this to our routines. I really like tips number 3 where Laugh is the best medicine at all and laugh can makes us stay younger! 

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